Virtual rally on sessional GP unemployment [ARCHIVED]
Join the BMA to tackle the pressing issue of sessional GP unemployment on Wednesday 12 February, 7.30-9pm. This is your chance to be part of the conversation, share your voice, and mobilise for change.
During the rally, you’ll learn about the latest insights on the issues, what the BMA has been doing, updates on GP collective action in England, ways to get involved with your LMC to drive change, and more.
Speakers include BMA Chair of the Sessional GPs committee, Chair of GPC England, Co-chairs of the GP registrars committee, and a RCGP representative.
Let’s raise our collective voice and demand progress. Together, you’ll ensure the challenges faced by sessional GPs remain a priority. Gain valuable insights, actionable steps, and learn how the BMA is standing with you.
Register here