
Ukraine families registering with a GP practice

Ukraine families registering with a GP practice

UKHSA has published information for primary care professionals on how to meet the health needs of patients from Ukraine.

Soon after individuals and their families arrive in the UK from Ukraine, they should be supported to register with a GP practice and attend a new patient consultation to assess their health and care needs.

This guide is available here

The full guide covers the following areas.

  • Introduction
  • Main messages
  • Access to NHS care
  • New patient health check additional considerations
  • Language
  • Culture, spirituality and religion
  • Mental Health
  • Communicable diseases
  • Nutritional and metabolic concerns
  • Non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
  • Women’s and maternal health
  • Child health
  • Safeguarding
  • Further information and useful links

This resource is intended to help primary care professionals assess and address the health needs of patients ordinarily resident in Ukraine who have arrived in the UK in response to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

Arrivals will usually be under the government visa schemes (Ukraine Family Scheme and the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine)).

Doctors of the World have produced several resources and recently published a guide on how the NHS works. They also have in place the Safe Surgeries initiative to tackle the barriers faced by many migrants in accessing healthcare.

First Published
7 April 2022
Updated On
1 April 2024
Due to be Reviewed
30 April 2025
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