Practice Management

All the content on our website tagged with 'Practice Management' is shown below.; inc. news stories, guidance, podcasts and webinars.
Dealing with Unfair Online Comments
Dealing with Unfair Online Comments
20 August 2021
Comments from patients on the NHS website, social media and other similar sites can sometimes be inaccurate, unfair or inappropriate, which can potentially damage an organisation or staff member’s reputation.…
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Visa Sponsorship Guide
Visa Sponsorship Guide
6 August 2021
Gaining the right to be a UK visa sponsoring practice has many advantages and could form an important part of your general practice workforce planning. A step by step guide…
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GMC and NMC numbers in correspondence
GMC and NMC numbers in correspondence
23 June 2021
Practitioners should include their GMC or NMC number in all correspondence. GMC guidance states that it is good practice to have GMC number on all professional correspondence. Radiology requests must have…
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NHS 111 remote appointment booking
NHS 111 remote appointment booking
16 June 2021
Para 7.9B.1 of the GMS Contract states: The Contractor must ensure that as a minimum the following number of appointments during core hours for its registered patients are made available per…
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New PCSE GP pay and pensions portal
New PCSE GP pay and pensions portal
11 June 2021
This new online service to help administer practice payments and GP Pensions is now live.   Statements: Practice statements are now accessed via PCSE Online, and will no longer be…
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Considerations for Single-handed GPs
Considerations for Single-handed GPs
13 May 2021
When we think of business continuity planning for our practice, we don’t often consider practice continuity after death, but this is a real consideration for single-handed GPs. It can be…
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Practice Call-Back Policy
Practice Call-Back Policy
22 April 2021
Healthwatch Lincolnshire have recently surveyed patients about their experiences when contacting GP surgeries. One of the issues raised by patients in this survey was the uncertainty about when a clinician…
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NHS Service Finder
NHS Service Finder
7 April 2021
Have you ever wanted to find the telephone number for a hospital or community service and cannot find it?   This should no longer be a problem, as the NHS Service…
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