
Succession retirement planning: What to do with your premises.

Succession retirement planning: What to do with your premises

Have you ever considered whether a sale and leaseback transaction would resolve your succession planning issues? Or if putting a lease in place between the retired GP’s and the existing partnership would be a better option? This webinar will be performed by, Will Ellis, of BWH Surveyors, an expert speaker in the field of primary care who is involved with supporting practices with all their premises related issues nationwide.

We will explore the main premises options to consider when beginning GP practice succession and retirement planning; how to avoid common costly pitfalls and how a robust succession plan can even help alleviate partnership recruitment problems.

When you consider a significant proportion of GP Partners are within five years of the average retirement age of 58, putting a succession plan in place has never been so important.

First Published
23 February 2024
Updated On
23 February 2024
Due to be Reviewed
3 August 2024
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