Preparing for your CQC Inspection
The LMC has developed a range of resources to assist practices in preparing for their CQC Inspection.
CQC Walkthrough
We are also pleased to offer a CQC Walkthrough to practices, this involves a member of the LMC visiting your practice to help you & your practice prepare for your CQC inspection. To book a walkthrough please email Nick Turner (Practice Support Office)
Notification of your Inspection
- Two weeks before your inspection the CQC will send an email to the Registered Manager notifying you of the inspection date and requesting information. Ensure that you keep the CQC portal up to date with the Registered Manager's details and they regularly checks their email account, otherwise you may lose out on valuable days preparation time. An example of the notification letter may be downloaded here.
- The CQC will also request for a survey to be made available to patients via an online link which they will send you. Be proactive to ensure that the link is given to patients in various ways i.e. Text, email, facebook, website, NHS Website etc...
- Your lead inspector will also telephone the practice manager to explain what will happen on the day. They may also ask for a timetable of key practice members availability.
Pre-Inspection Evidence to Submit to the CQC
Although you will receive 14 days notice of your inspection you will have to return your pre-inspection evidence by the date indicated on the evidence form. This normally includes the following sections;
- Governance, policies and procedures
- Training
- Safeguarding
- Risk assessments
- Infection prevention and control
- Significant events, complaints and compliments
- Evidence of quality improvement work
- Patient record keeping and medicines
- Data for the report
They may also ask for:
- A copy of your current Statement of Purpose - Click here to download guidance
- Action plan following results / findings from any patient survey carried out.
- A summary of any complaints received in the last 12 months, actions taken and how learning was implemented - Click here to download an example template
- A summary of any serious adverse events for the last 12 months, action taken and how learning was implemented - Click here to download an example template
- Evidence that the quality of treatment and services have been monitored, actions and outcomes as a result of this.
- Recruitment and training policies and procedures - Click here to download an example recruitment policy
- Number of staff by role and WTE (including qualifications & training) Click her to download an WTE calculator & example training matrix
- Evidence of the quality of care for the six population groups - Click here to download an example document
This detailed CQC Pre-Inspection checklist covers the key documents & areas to prepare in readiness for your inspection.
Presentation to the CQC
At the start of the inspection there will be up to 30 minutes for you to tell the inspection team about;
- What you do well in each of the key question and population group areas
- What you are doing to improve those areas that are not so good
- Discuss significant event analysis
- Completed clinical audit cycles
- Anything that you regard as outstanding practice. Any evidence presented to the inspection team to support this outstanding practice should clearly demonstrate its impact and outcomes
- Tell them about your practice population in the six groups
Click here to download an example presentation template
First Practice Management have also created a VLOG to assist practices with creating their presentation. The VLOG also contains hints & tps on how to make the most of your 30 minute presentation. To access the VLOG click here.
Preparing your Practice Team
Make sure your whole practice team are prepared for the day. Make sure your staff are aware that members of the inspection team may ask them questions. Examples of frequently asked questions may be downloaded below;
CQC General Practice Staff Feedback Form
An example presentation is also available to use as an in-house tool, to prepare your practice staff for your inspection day. Click here to download an example presentation template