
Episode 7: The RESPECT Form

Episode 7: The RESPECT Form


Are you confident in communicating with patients and their families about the RESPECT form?

Would you like some tips on starting the conversation?

Do you want to improve your RESPECT forms?

This podcast will give you some tips on what the RESPECT form is, how to approach it and provide a discussion around some of the difficulties doctors and patients find around RESPECT.

Have a look at these wonderful additional videos produced by the palliative care team at ULHT.

ReSPECT on Vimeo

Here is a link to loads on information on RESPECT from the Resuscitation Council UK ReSPECT | Resuscitation Council UK

You can access the end of life care website by clicking here Lincolnshire / COVID-19 | Prof. Categories | End of life care (eolc.co.uk)   

Also there is a fantastic 5 step resource for having difficult conversations, providing a framework for communication. Find it by clicking here: Discussing Unwelcome News - Covid-19 (eolc.co.uk)

For more information on primary care in Lincolnshire and further educational resources check out the Lincolnshire LMC website here: Lincolnshire LMC: Working for GPs in Lincolnshire (lincslmc.co.uk).

First Published
6 May 2021
Updated On
15 September 2023
Due to be Reviewed
17 November 2024
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