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Updated Lincolnshire Antimicrobial Guidance
Updated Lincolnshire Antimicrobial Guidance
15 August 2023
Antibiotic prescribing guidance changes are key in our appropriate prescribing and stewardship of antibiotics in our communities. The updated Lincolnshire Antimicrobial Guidance is now available at: This page also…
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The WebV Story
The WebV Story
14 August 2023
Introduction The introduction of WebV into primary care has caused some legitimate concerns among users, not least because it has come at a time when primary care is under pressure,…
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EMAS Calls
EMAS Calls
8 August 2023
The LMC have had several recent enquiries from practices who have been contacted by EMAS while attending a patient due to a 999 call. Practices have asked us what their…
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