
NHS Service Finder

NHS Service Finder

Have you ever wanted to find the telephone number for a hospital or community service and cannot find it?   This should no longer be a problem, as the NHS Service Finder is available to use.

NHS Service finder is an online tool which lists all available services to which patients can get access and clinicians can refer.  You need to register by clicking the link to NHS Service Finder, and then follow the links to “create an NHS Service Finder account”.

This tool should be constantly up to date with details of everything from your local community nursing team, to the contact details for Same Day Emergency Care.

It is advisable to check your own surgery’s contact details, so that you know that other agencies can get in touch with you by the most appropriate methods.

Further information about this service is available here.

First Published
7 April 2021
Updated On
1 April 2024
Due to be Reviewed
12 April 2026
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