
NHS England and Wales Drug Tariff Available Online

The NHS England and Wales Drug Tariff - April 2023

The NHS England and Wales Drug Tariff was made available online in April 2023.

Drug Tariff

NHS Prescription Services produces the Drug Tariff on a monthly basis on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care. It’s supplied primarily to pharmacists and GP practices.

The Drug Tariff outlines:

  • what will be paid to pharmacy contractors for NHS services provided either for reimbursement or for remuneration
  • rules to follow when dispensing
  • value of the fees and allowances you will be paid
  • drug and appliance prices you will be paid

View the Drug Tariff

You can view the Drug Tariff 3 working days before the 1st of each month.

The PDF format of the Drug Tariff can be downloaded and used offline (for example on a smartphone or tablet).

The electronic Tariff requires a continuous connection to the internet. There are no page numbers and the format is different to the PDF. Any reference to page numbers in the electronic Tariff should be cross-referenced with the PDF.

For updates to the Drug Tariff see Pharmacies, GP practices and appliance contractors news.

Subscribe to receive the digital Drug Tariff email.

First Published
3 May 2022
Updated On
1 April 2024
Due to be Reviewed
31 March 2026
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