
Health Visitor and 0-19 Service attendance at safeguarding meetings

Health Visitor and 0-19 Service attendance at safeguarding meetings

Practices hold regular safeguarding meetings to discuss vulnerable children and adults, and to share best practice.  It is essential that this is a multi-disciplinary meeting so that all practice teams are involved in safeguarding patients.  Practices should also invite Health Visitors and 0-19 Service colleagues to contribute to these meetings.

Practices should have the contact details of their key contact with the 0-19 Service, and the LMC also holds a list of these contacts.

To make it as easy as possible for colleagues from the 0-19 Service to contribute, they ask that you invite them with as much notice as possible and also provide the option for them to “dial-in” if they cannot physically attend.  If, for whatever reason, no one from the 0-19 Service can attend, then you should request that they email the practice in advance of the meeting with information which they feel needs to be shared with the meeting.

If you are not getting this information for your meetings, you should contact the lead nurse for your locality, the LMC holds the contact details for these if you require them.

First Published
31 March 2021
Updated On
3 June 2024
Due to be Reviewed
6 July 2025
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