
GPCE’s vision for general practice [ARCHIVED]

General practice is collapsing. This is our vision to rebuild it with safety, stability and hope.

General practice is collapsing

See why HERE

Across England, practices are working at an unprecedented level of activity with daily appointments running at almost 1.5 million. Despite this, the value of funding into the national contract is at a nadir with GP practices receiving 7p in every NHS pound. At an individual patient level, the average core contract payment equates to £107.57 per annum, around 30p per patient per day. It’s no wonder practices are closing – they’re no longer financially viable.

General practice, the most efficient and productive part of the NHS, is being driven to collapse.
Safety, Stability, Hope: A Vision to Rebuild General Practice in England details the essential changes that need to happen to achieve a sustainable general practice. To save general practice.

We focus on safety first, but also on stability and hope, and urge the government to work with the GP committee England to transform general practice for the benefit of improved long-term public health.

We publish a more substantive, informed document to underpin our headline asks over the next week, which we hope can be taken and shaped into policies that will make a difference to those practices on the brink of closure, to those GPs facing unemployment and those patients in need of our care.


First Published
23 July 2024
Updated On
31 August 2024
Due to be Reviewed
30 August 2024
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