Exhibit at a Lincolnshire LMC Event

Join us at a Lincolnshire LMC Event by becoming an exhibitor!

Lincolnshire LMC runs multiple events throughout the year to provide high quality training and development to all GP practice staff.

To make some of these events possible, Lincolnshire LMC are seeking sponsorships in the form of exhibitor opportunities.

As our events are well established and highly rated by attendees, they have gained a strong reputation amongst exhibitors which has led to significand demand for spaces. Many of our exhibitors return year upon year.

If you are interested in exhibiting at a Lincolnshire LMC event please get in touch using the contact details below:

Email: Rosa.Wyldeman@nhs.net OR info@lincsLMC.co.uk OR Call 01522 576659

Some of our upcoming events:


  • 12th and 13th September 2024, Grantham (with access to set up on 11th Sept)
    • access to 90-100 delegates
    • exhibitor space and lots of networking time
    • inclusion in social media posts
    • company logo and details in delegate programme
    • inclusion in the event competition
    • meet the exhibitors happy hour on day 1
    • catering and refreshments for 2 representatives
    • invitation to the evening event (*additional fee)
  • 15th and 16th November 2024, Lincoln
    • 2 long half days
    • access to 90-100 delegates
    • exhibitor space and lots of networking time
    • inclusion in social media posts
    • company logo and details in delegate programme
    • inclusion in the delegate stamp collection activity
    • meet the exhibitors networking hour on day 1
    • catering and refreshments for 2 representatives
