
Digital Firearms Marker Resources

TPP – SystmOne have introduced a digital firearms marker from 6 July 2022.


GPs have a role in helping to protect public safety by providing medical information to police in relation to firearms licensing, to ensure that those in possession of licensed firearms are medically suitable. Part of this role involves the placing of a digital firearms marker on patient records.

This was recommended by medical representatives to make the process more consistent for doctors and to reduce the possibility that a marker could inadvertently be missed by the GP, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the system and ensuring that the police are contacted when a relevant medical condition arises.

Prior to the introduction of the digital firearms marker, while the police would request that a firearms marker was placed on the patient record, this was done manually by GPs and using different methods across GP practices. Note: This system should be used to in conjunction with Practices exiting systems for managing firearms licenses.

TPP have produced a user guide (attached) which is available in SystmOne under Help > Support & FAQs > Documents & Training Guides > Firearms Marker user guide. The following is an extract of that guide.


When an applicant takes the Medical Information Proforma to their Practice to be completed, the clinician or someone acting on their behalf should add a ‘Has applied for firearm certificate’ code (SNOMED: 1366291000000101) to the applicant’s record.

This will automatically trigger a Protocol in SystmOne that informs the Practice that the patient’s usual clinician, or someone acting on their behalf, should clinically assess the patient’s suitability for a firearms certificate.

TPP has provided a ‘Firearms Marker (Medical Information Proforma)’ template which has the following sections available to the clinician and show:

  • the Firearms Reference Set of Conditions.
  • a history of Firearms certificate codes.
  • the ability to confirm the certificate has been suitably reviewed by a GP.

TPP Global Searches

Available under ‘System Wide - Firearms Marker Reports’.

  • Firearm certificate suitability reviewed by GP before new medical condition
  • Firearm certificate suitability reviewed by GP in last 5 years
  • Firearms review incomplete
  • Firearms suitability needs to be reviewed
  • Has current application for firearm certificate
  • Has current firearm certificate
  • Has current firearm certificate code
  • Has current firearm certificate code and has a code from the Firearms Reference Set of Conditions
  • Has current firearm certificate code with a new medical condition
  • Has current shotgun certificate
  • Medical conditions which should be reviewed in considering application for or holding of firearm certificate

Further information

The introduction of the digital marker has been agreed and developed with the support of the medical representative bodies. In 2019 the British Medical Association, the Home Office and the National Police Chiefs Council agreed a Memorandum or Understanding about the medical checks for firearms and use of the firearms marker. This can be accessed at the following link.

First Published
7 July 2022
Updated On
3 June 2024
Due to be Reviewed
7 July 2025
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