CQC’s Statutory notifications

Top tips for a good experience submitting notifications to CQC

Providers must notify CQC about certain changes, events and incidents that affect their service or the people who use it. Giving CQC the right information first time means you'll need to spend less time responding to their requests for further information.

Here are some top tips for getting notifications right:

  1. If you have access to the provider portal (current or new), this is the easiest and quickest way for you to submit a notification.
  2. If you're using a Word form, always download the latest version from their website rather than using saved versions as we change our forms from time to time.
  3. Make sure the provider and location IDs and name of provider entered on the form are correct. It is important to remember this will have changed if you have made changes to your legal entity. You will find your provider ID and the location IDs on your latest certificate of registration. 
  4. Make sure all the fields on the notification form are completed.
  5. Keep up to date with the latest guidance on submitting notifications.
  6. You should always receive a submission notification and a reference when you have correctly submitted a notification. If you do not receive this CQC may not have received your information.

For the best and fastest way to submit notifications, sign up to the new provider portal as soon as you receive your invite.

Read more about statutory notifications here

What you'll be able to use the new provider portal for

From the 11 March you'll be able to submit the following notifications through the new provider portal:

You'll also be able to undertake a range of registration activity within the new provider portal

First Published
23 January 2024
Updated On
4 December 2024
Due to be Reviewed
23 January 2026
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