CQC Mythbuster Updates – December 2024
The following CQC Mythbusters have been updated
- GP mythbuster 82: Physician associates in general practice – This mythbuster has been updated to reflect recently published external guidance.
- GP mythbuster 41: Smartcards – This mythbuster has been updated with additional information about the security of smartcards and their safe use in practise.
- GP mythbuster 91: Patient safety alerts – This mythbuster has had some additional information added to the example quoted to bring it in line with new alerts issued.
The full list of CQC Mythbusters are here.
- GP mythbuster 1: Resuscitation in GP surgeries
- GP mythbuster 2: Disclosure and barring service (DBS) checks for primary healthcare staff
- GP mythbuster 3: Significant event analysis (SEA)
- GP mythbuster 4: Quality improvement activity
- GP mythbuster 8: Gillick competency and Fraser guidelines
- GP mythbuster 9: Emergency medicines for GP practices
- GP mythbuster 11: Electronic prescribing
- GP mythbuster 12: Accessing medical records and carrying out clinical searches
- GP mythbuster 13: Verification and certification of death
- GP mythbuster 15: Chaperones
- GP mythbuster 16: The Friends and Family Test
- GP mythbuster 17: Vaccine storage and fridges in GP practices
- GP mythbuster 19: Patient Group Directions (PGDs)/Patient Specific Directions (PSDs)
- GP mythbuster 21: Statutory notifications to CQC
- GP mythbuster 22: Summary Care Records (SCRs)
- GP mythbuster 23: Security of blank prescription forms
- GP mythbuster 24: Recording patient safety events with the Learn from patient safety events (LFPSE) service
- GP mythbuster 25: Safeguarding adults at risk
- GP mythbuster 26: General practice nurses
- GP mythbuster 27: Legionella
- GP mythbuster 28: Management of controlled drugs
- GP mythbuster 29: Looking after homeless patients in general practice
- GP mythbuster 32: Duty of Candour and General Practice (regulation 20)
- GP mythbuster 33: Safeguarding children
- GP mythbuster 34: Maintenance of medical equipment
- GP mythbuster 36: Registration and treatment of asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants
- GP mythbuster 37: Immunising healthcare staff
- GP mythbuster 38: Care in advanced serious illness and end of life
- GP mythbuster 40: GP Fit Note
- GP mythbuster 41: Smartcards
- GP mythbuster 42: Caring for people with dementia
- GP mythbuster 44: Caring for carers
- GP mythbuster 45: NICE Quality Standards in general practice
- GP mythbuster 46: Managing test results and clinical correspondence
- GP mythbuster 48: Well-led – vision and strategy
- GP mythbuster 49: Consent for minor surgery in GP surgeries
- GP mythbuster 50: GP locums
- GP mythbuster 52: Portable appliance testing and calibrating medical equipment
- GP mythbuster 53: Care of people with a learning disability in GP practices
- GP mythbuster 55: Opening hours
- GP mythbuster 57: Health Care Assistants in General Practice
- GP mythbuster 58: Practice induction packs
- GP mythbuster 60: NHS health checks
- GP mythbuster 61: Patient registration
- GP mythbuster 64: Effective governance arrangements in GP practices
- GP mythbuster 65: Effective clinical governance arrangements in GP practices
- GP mythbuster 66: Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs) in primary care
- GP mythbuster 67: Reasonable adjustments for disabled people
- GP mythbuster 69: Business continuity – arrangements for emergencies and major incidents
- GP mythbuster 70: Mandatory training considerations in general practice
- GP mythbuster 71: Prioritising home visits
- GP mythbuster 72: Sexual and reproductive healthcare
- GP mythbuster 74: 24-hour retirement from NHS contract and CQC registration
- GP mythbuster 75: Personalised care and support planning
- GP mythbuster 77: Access to GP services
- GP mythbuster 80: Female genital mutilation (FGM)
- GP mythbuster 81: Pharmacy professionals in general practice
- GP mythbuster 82: Physician associates in general practice
- GP mythbuster 83: Spirometry in general practice
- GP mythbuster 84: Managing high risk medicines in general practice (unpublished)
- GP mythbuster 85: Data security and protection – expectations for general practice
- GP mythbuster 86: Storing liquid nitrogen
- GP mythbuster 87: Freedom to Speak Up
- GP mythbuster 88: Identifying and responding to sepsis
- GP mythbuster 89: Immunising people with an underlying medical condition
- GP mythbuster 90: Population groups
- GP mythbuster 91: Patient safety alerts
- GP mythbuster 92: Anticoagulant monitoring in primary care
- GP mythbuster 93: Caring for veterans and their families
- GP mythbuster 95: Non-medical prescribing
- GP mythbuster 96: Covert administration of medicines
- GP mythbuster 98: Surgical plumes
- GP mythbuster 99: Infection prevention and control in General Practice
- GP mythbuster 100: Online and video consultations and receiving, storing and handling intimate images
- GP mythbuster 102: Pulse oximetry and monitoring vital signs outside the GP practice setting
- GP mythbuster 103: Complaints management
- GP mythbuster 104: Cervical screening
- GP mythbuster 105: Do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR)
- GP mythbuster 106: Staff not directly employed by a GP practice
- GP mythbuster 107: Pre-travel health services
- GP mythbuster 108: Involving and engaging with the patient population and local communities