Certification of Death Flow Chart [ARCHIVED]
We receive frequent questions on who can issue MCCDs or cremation forms. We have updated the flow chart (see below) and have had this latest version agreed with the coroner’s office and the registrar’s office.
On the chart it refers to “attended” which, although there is no clear legal definition of, is generally accepted to mean a doctor who has cared for the patient during the illness that led to death and so is familiar with the patient’s medical history, investigations and treatment.
We hope this is useful for colleagues when certifying cases and during any discussions with the coroner’s or registrar’s office.
Thanks to Dr Kieran Sharrock for his work on the chart.
The link on the flow chart is here for your ease of access:
e-referral platform – https://lincolnshire-portal.coronersconnect.co.uk/
NHS England has published the National Medical Examiner’s Guidance for England and Wales. This document has been published in readiness for the start of the death certification reforms but is not for use until Monday 9 September 2024.
A written ministerial statement was published on Monday 29 July, by Baroness Merron confirming the new Government’s plan to continue with implementation of the death certification reforms and a statutory medical examiner system on 9 September 2024.