
The guidance section holds a wealth of information on a wide range of subjects relating to general practice.

Secondary to Primary Care Workload Shift
Secondary to Primary Care Workload Shift
One of the challenges we have faced for years in our daily work in general practice is the non-contractual workload shift from secondary care. The requests of colleagues in practices across Lincolnshire to undertake work that should be performed by colleagues in secondary care is estimated to use up to 20% of general practice capacity […]
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Medical Examiners
Medical Examiners
31 March 2023
The new medical examiner system continues to be rolled out across England and Wales. While initially supportive of the increase in scrutiny of deaths, the BMA continues to have concerns…
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New GP Contract 23/24
New GP Contract 23/24
23 March 2023
Many of you will be aware of the details of the new contract for 23/24 which is due to be imposed from April. The imposition is due to GPC being unable…
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Shingles Programme Changes
Shingles Programme Changes
23 March 2023
Following the recommendation from the Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisation (JCVI), NHS England has received a formal policy decision from DHSC to implement changes to the NHS Shingles Vaccination…
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Preparing for your CQC Inspection
Preparing for your CQC Inspection
12 January 2023
The LMC has developed a range of resources to assist practices in preparing for their CQC Inspection. CQC Walkthrough We are also pleased to offer a CQC Walkthrough to practices,…
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Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs)
Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs)
9 January 2023
In February 2019, the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 were changed to introduce SSPs. Further changes came into force in July 2019, in the NHS (amendments relating to serious shortage protocols)…
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Gender dysphoria specialist interface
Gender dysphoria specialist interface
21 December 2022
We have recently had several enquiries regarding the interface between general practice and gender identity clinics (GICs). Gender dysphoria can lead to mental health difficulties and can severely affect individuals’…
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