
The guidance section holds a wealth of information on a wide range of subjects relating to general practice.

Secondary to Primary Care Workload Shift
Secondary to Primary Care Workload Shift
One of the challenges we have faced for years in our daily work in general practice is the non-contractual workload shift from secondary care. The requests of colleagues in practices across Lincolnshire to undertake work that should be performed by colleagues in secondary care is estimated to use up to 20% of general practice capacity […]
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Contraceptive services
Contraceptive services
25 June 2024
Contraceptive services, formerly an Additional Service funded by an identified 2.4% of Global Sum, have been included as an Essential Service under the Primary Medical Services (GMS/PMS) Contract, since 2020. …
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Annual Flu Letter
Annual Flu Letter
28 March 2024
Annual flu letter The tripartite annual flu letter for 2024/25 has now been published: National flu immunisation programme 2024 to 2025 letter - GOV.UK (   The letter sets out…
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