
Biobank UK

A communication was recently sent to practices dated 13 September requesting GPs provide Biobank UK with access to consented patient data, the BMA was listed as endorsing the programme. The chief executive of Biobank UK has written to GPCE to apologise that this communication was issued in error.  They have asked him to kindly issue a redaction, correction and clarification accordingly.

GPCE’s position remains unchanged – we appreciate the pressure many practices are under and support them, as data controllers, to take the time they feel necessary to fully consider all requests to share patient data, taking into account the need to balance these with pressing clinical priorities.

This is especially pertinent given the pressures of the accelerated vaccination schedule, and the impending accelerated access to records programme.

First Published
1 October 2023
Updated On
1 October 2023
Due to be Reviewed
1 October 2025
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