
Update on HIV, Cardiovascular Risk and Statin use


People living with HIV (PLWH) are at higher risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Q-risk 3 does not adjust for HIV. A recent study has shown that there is a significant reduction of major adverse cardiovascular events in participants assigned to a statin.



All 40 yr + PLWH offered a statin.

Patients with a Q-risk 5%+ should be prioritised

Atorvastain 20mg first choice at present

If unable to tolerate to try other alternative lipid lowering agent



In HIV clinic we are discussing CVD, Q-Risk and statin use with all patients 40 years+

We will communicate the Q-risk score and request consideration from yourselves regarding statin prescription and monitoring in all PLWH 40yrs + with a Q-risk 5%+.

We will ask the PLWH who wish to consider a statin to approach you to discuss this further.

First Published
26 July 2024
Updated On
26 July 2024
Due to be Reviewed
26 July 2025
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