Lincolnshire LMC Webinar: GP Collective Action – Your guide

Join your Lincolnshire LMC webinar where we will:

  • Discuss the actions and what they mean.
  • Discuss how you could implement them.
  • Discuss the communications you may want to share with your staff and patients.
  • Discuss how we can support you during the collective action.

As you will be aware, the BMA ballot for GP collective action closes on Monday 29th July.

If you have not already voted, please do so. Have your voice, support the future of your colleagues and your patients.

Successive governments and NHSE have disinvested in and laid blame squarely on the doorstep of general practice while simultaneously increasing our workload, bureaucracy and building a narrative to make our patients blame us for the national NHS pressures.

These government and NHSE actions are grossly unfair, not reflective of the dedication and tireless work each and every member of general practice staff undertakes, and it must end.

It must end for the wellbeing of general practice and for the wellbeing of our patients now and in the future.

If the ballot result is the profession votes “YES”, GPC England will be asking practices to begin actions.

You may have seen the list of actions as below:

  1. Limit daily patient contacts per clinician to the UEMO recommended safe maximum of 25.
  2. Stop engaging with the e-Referral Advice & Guidance pathway.
  3. Stop supporting the system at the expense of your business and staff.
  4. Stop rationing referrals, investigations, and admissions​.
  5. Switch off GPConnect functionality to permit the entry of coding into the GP clinical record by third-party providers.
  6. Withdraw permission for data sharing agreements which exclusively use data for secondary purposes (i.e. not direct care).
  7. Freeze sign-up to any new data sharing agreements or local system data sharing platforms.
  8. Switch off Medicines Optimisation Software embedded by the local ICB for the purposes of system financial savings and/or rationing, rather than the clinical benefit of your patients.
  9. Practices should defer signing declarations of completion for “better digital telephony” and “simpler online requests” until further GPC England guidance.

Join us on Tuesday 6th August at 1pm by booking via this page.

In the interim, start to discuss the possible actions with your staff and share the resources in the link below with them and your patients and on your social media and websites.

GPs Are On your Side (

Everyone in our practices needs to understand to support one another.

Crucially, patients need to know and they need to know why general practice has been forced to take action to protect the future of general practice and the future health of patients.

They need to know that #GPsAreOnYourSide

Event Info

6 August 2024
13:00 - 14:00
Microsoft Teams
Free for LMC Members
Suitable For
GP Partner
Non-GP Partner
PCN Administrator
PCN Manager
Practice Administrator
Practice Manager

Main Contact

Call 01522 576 659
If you have any communication or mobility needs that the event organisers need to be aware of please contact them in advance of the course to let them know


  • This training has been funded by the Lincolnshire LMC, if you need to cancel the place, you can do so online up to 7 days before the event date after that time please contact the Lincolnshire LMC on 01522 576 659.
  • If you fail to cancel your place within a reasonable time then you/ your employer may be invoiced for the cost of the place.
  • We ask that prior to booking, attendees check their calendars to make sure they are not on leave or have other commitments. We also ask that attendees give as much notice as possible when cancelling, so that the place can be used by someone else.

Please Note: Where external training providers are used, the LMC is required to submit attendee names 7 days before the courses commence. To view the LMC Privacy Policy please go to

By booking and accepting a place on this course, you are agreeing to these terms