
Register with a GP surgery’ service now on the NHS website

Register with a GP surgery’ service now on the NHS website

GP practices offering online registration via the new Register with a GP surgery service are now searchable using the NHS website’s Find a GP tool.

Following feedback from practices, we have improved the service with a self-enrolment option, catchment area checks for patients, improved matching to the Personal Demographic Service and additional registration questions including place of birth.

If you would like to use the Register with a GP surgery service in your practice, contact the onboarding team at to get started.


Demo site – Register with a GP Surgery (

Demo Session registration – NHS ‘Register with a GP Surgery’ Service – Initial Engagement (

Dr Kiren Collison Blog – NHS England » General Practice gives a warm welcome to everyone.

Service Testimonials –  GP practice testimonials – NHS Digital

Dr Shanker Vijay’s YouTube video (a GP service champion in London) – NHS Online Register with a GP Surgery Service Webinar 14 Mar 2023 – YouTube.  Within the presentation he gives a very truthful, insightful cover of the service, what it can and can’t do, with lots of hints and tips on how to get the most out of the service for practices.

First Published
20 February 2023
Updated On
6 May 2024
Due to be Reviewed
6 May 2025
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