
Rebuild General Practice – template letter to MPs

Rebuild General Practice is asking GPs to use its template letter to write to your local MP asking them to prioritise rebuilding general practice in their election roadmaps. Party manifestos are being written this spring, and we can make a difference by speaking as one unified voice and profession, to engage MPs, and local press. We must ensure that all major parties are motivated to prioritise the crisis in general practice and are committed to developing plans to do so following the election.

Find all the materials you need to take part in this action here

  1. Write to your MP 
  2. Share the social media thread:
  3. Write to your local newspaper editor to inform them of this action.
  4. Encourage your colleagues to do the same by sharing your post and the materials with them.
First Published
31 January 2024
Updated On
31 January 2024
Due to be Reviewed
31 January 2025
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