
Practice Support Network: Is your practice EFFECTIVE in CQC’s eyes?

Practice Support Network: Is your practice EFFECTIVE in CQC's Eyes?

An informative webinar led by Lincolnshire LMC's Practice Support Officer, Nick Turner, as we again delve into the intricacies of CQC compliance.

This event is tailored to provide practical insights into the 'Effective' theme.

Included in this webinar:

  • CQC Mythbusters: Key Articles for Ensuring Safety - Dispel common myths and clarifying essential articles for maintaining a safe practice environment.
  • Effective (Data-Led): Arden’s CQC Searches - Utilising data-driven approaches to meet CQC standards and improve the overall effectiveness of your practice.
  • Staffing: Addressing staffing concerns and ensuring compliance with CQC guidelines regarding recruitment, training, and staff well-being.
  • Coordinating Care and Treatment: Strategies for seamless coordination of care and treatment to enhance patient outcomes and satisfaction.
  • Helping Patients to Lead Healthier Lives: Exploring practical methods to actively engage patients in their health and well-being.
  • Consent to Care and Treatment: Understanding and implementing robust processes to ensure proper consent procedures align with CQC requirements.
First Published
25 January 2024
Updated On
25 January 2024
Due to be Reviewed
3 August 2024
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