
Declaring GP earnings over £150,000

From 1 October 2022, the GMS and PMS regulations were amended to require some GPs to self-declare their earnings

The principles of pay transparency in general practice were agreed between NHSEI and GPC England in 2019 and published in Investment and evolution - a five-year framework for GP contract reform to implement the NHS long term plan.

However, the negotiation included the agreement that GPs would not be singled out. There are no similar proposals for other clinicians in the NHS, or anywhere else in the UK.

Following representations by GPCE (GP committee England), it was subsequently confirmed that the implementation of general practice pay transparency was to be delayed on two separate occasions – autumn 2021 and spring 2022. However, the data collection will now begin in April 2023 with 2021/22 NHS earnings.

BMA position

GPCE (BMA GP committee England) has made our significant concerns about the change clear.

It provides no benefit to GPs or their patients, but will potentially increase acts of aggression and abuse toward GPs and practices. It will be damaging to morale and wholly reduce the ability to recruit and retain GPs.

GPCE has already received reports of GPs reducing their hours to remain under the threshold.

As GPCE did not agree to this amendment, we consider it to have been imposed on the profession and in breach of the original agreement.

Further information

Read the BMA guidance on GP earnings.

First Published
10 May 2022
Updated On
1 July 2024
Due to be Reviewed
13 October 2024
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