
Private Fees calculator for BMA members

Doctors have undercharged for private and non-NHS fee-based work for years, effectively subsidising the system and taking the hit on their take-home pay.

In response to this issue which was highlighted during ARM last year, we recently launched the Fees calculator and feedback has been extremely positive.  Many doctors told us that they rarely reviewed their fees, some looked to their peers to gauge what to charge, and others used guidelines that were years out of date.

The Fees calculator helps doctors decide how much to charge for their services based on their own circumstances.  Find out more

The Fees calculator uses your overheads to calculate a fee range for the time it takes to complete a piece of work. The calculations are specific to you, and you can see what rates you would need to charge to make sure your costs are covered. You can find out more about how the tool can help you save money and save time

First Published
16 June 2022
Updated On
6 May 2024
Due to be Reviewed
8 July 2026
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