
Episode 10: Performance Matters – Interruptions

Episode 10: Performance Matters - Interruptions

Are you CONSTANTLY interrupted at work? Do you worry about forgetting things or losing your train of thought?

Are you concerned interruptions could lead to complaints?

This weeks 'hot topic' is INTERRUPTIONS - why they are annoying, why they are risky and what to do about it.

We are joined again by Dr Kieran Sharrock Medical Director of Lincolnshire LMC to chat about a change his practice made following identifying a problem with interruptions.

Here is the link to the full article on the Lincolnshire LMC website Lincolnshire LMC: Interruptions (lincslmc.co.uk)

Contact us to get a copy of a generic interruptions policy. Lincolnshire LMC: Contact us (lincslmc.co.uk)

First Published
1 June 2021
Updated On
15 September 2023
Due to be Reviewed
11 October 2024
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