The Local Medical Committee supporting Lincolnshire’s general practices to provide great care.
Secondary to Primary Care Workload Shift
Secondary to Primary Care Workload Shift
One of the challenges we have faced for years in our daily work in general practice is the non-contractual workload shift from secondary care. The requests of colleagues in practices across Lincolnshire to undertake work that should be performed by colleagues in secondary care is estimated to use up to 20% of general practice capacity […]
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GPC England Roadshows and Lincolnshire LMC Teams channel
GPC England Roadshows and Lincolnshire LMC Teams channel
GPC England, who have informed NHSE that they are in dispute, want each and every GP colleague and PM in Lincolnshire to be aware of what is happening as a result of the recent GMS contract referendum, where an overwhelming 99.2% of GP colleagues across the country voted against the now imposed 24/25 GMS contract. […]
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Events & Training

Lincolnshire's Local Medical Committee organise and host a variety of events and training for all practice staff. Some of our upcoming events are listed below, or why not visit your MyLMC account for a personalised list of events or training suitable for you...

All Events MyLMC
  • 17 July 2024, 09:15 - 16:30
    Dower House Hotel, Manor Estate, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire, LN10 6PY, Free for LMC Members
    You are invited to join us in more beautiful surroundings for this interesting and useful day for Lincolnshire Dispensing Practices. The day will be filled with important updates, great food and plenty of opportunity to network with peers and sponsors. Gain an update on the latest dispensing hot topics and increase your knowledge in some tricky dispensing areas.
  • 17 July 2024, 13:30 - 15:00
    MS Teams, Free for LMC Members
    This informative session explains the sources and types of correspondence that are available and the role each member of staff plays in managing correspondence. It also provides an overview of coding and scanning documents, including the legal aspects of scanning.
  • 11 September 2024, 13:30 - 16:30
    MS Teams, Free for LMC Members
    This interactive half-day session gives delegates an understanding of how care navigation works and the benefits it brings. Furthermore, delegates will learn how they can engage with patients with increased confidence. This programme provides staff with the foundation on which they can build their knowledge and skills in practice.
Discover more

Lincolnshire's Local Medical Committee create a wealth of content to support general practice; from important guidance and interesting podcasts to insightful webinars and in-depth newsletters...

Episode 35: Lincs LMC Committee meeting highlights (JUL 23)
The Lincolnshire LMC Team discuss the highlights of the LMC committee meeting that took place in July 2023. If you would like to attend our next committee as a guest, please contact us on
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Practice Support Network: Agilio TeamNet – Part 4: Absences, TOIL, Overtime and Rotas
This event is designed to help healthcare professionals enhance their understanding and proficiency in Agilio TeamNet for efficient practice management. During this event we will cover the following topics within the Agilio TeamNet platform. Managing Staff Absences Managing Staff Overtime and TOIL Rotas
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Practice In Touch, January 2024

- Performance Matters: Self-Prescribing
- GPCE Statement regarding the 24/25 GMS Contract
- Secondary to Primary Care workload shift
- Access to records: ICO Response to DPIAs
- GP end of year forms

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